联合主任 (INET-Director)
高级研究员(Senior Fellow)
Prof. Pietronero studied physics in Rome and was a research scientist at Xerox Research in Webster (1974) and Brown Boveri Research Center (CH) (1975-1983). He then moved to Univ. of Groningen (NL), where he was professor of Condensed Matter Theory (1983-87). Since 1987 he is professor of Physics at the University of Rome "Sapienza”. He is the founder and director of the Institute for Complex Systems of CNR (2004-2014). Member of J. Stiglitz’s Task Force on Industrialization.
He had broad international experience in academic and industrial environments. The scientific activity is of both fundamental and applied nature, with a problem oriented interdisciplinary perspective. He promotes the development of novel and original views in all the areas of activity. He is the leader of a generation of young scientists who are protagonists of the complexity scene internationally. In 2008 he received the Fermi Prize (highest award of the Italian Physical Society).
His research interests include: Condensed Matter Theory; High-temperature superconductivity; Statistical Physics; Fractal Growth; Self-Organized-Criticality; Complex Systems and its interdisciplinary applications. His recent activity in Economic Complexity can be found at his personal page.